- PT Siemens Indonesia adalah salah satu perusahaan industri besar dunia. Kantor pusat internasionalnya terletak di Berlin dan München, Jerman. Siemens AG terdaftar di Bursa Saham Frankfurt dan juga di Bursa Saham New York sejak 12 Maret 2001. (Baca juga loker sebelumnya: Lowongan Kerja PT Waskita Karya (Persero) 2015).
Di seluruh dunia, Siemens dan anak perusahaannya mempekerjakan 461.000 orang (2005) di 190 negara dan melaporkan penjualan global sebesar €85 miliar dalam tahun fiskal 2005.
Di seluruh dunia, Siemens dan anak perusahaannya mempekerjakan 461.000 orang (2005) di 190 negara dan melaporkan penjualan global sebesar €85 miliar dalam tahun fiskal 2005.
Credit: PT Siemens Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Siemens Indonesia Terbaru 2015
Batas Lamaran : 16 Oktober 2015
PT Siemens Indonesia saat ini kembali membuka beberapa posisi dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Senior Quality Engineer
Areas of Responsibility:• Develops and facilitates training on QMSTs.
• Develops and initiates standards and methods for inspection, testing and evaluation.
• Performs advanced areas of work for the professional field.
• Applies advanced skills to resolve complex problems not covered by existing procedures or practices independently.
• Displays a high level of critical thinking in bringing successful resolution to high impact, complex and/or cross functional problems.
• These jobs are subject to broad practices and procedures covered by functional precedents and policies, achievement of a circumscribed operational activity, and to managerial direction.
• Technologies: Extensive knowledge and skill gained through broad or deep experience in a field (or fields) which require a command of either involved, diverse practices and precedents.
• Methodologies: Understanding and influencing people are important requirements in the job
• Professional knowledge: Policies and precedents, legislative acts, guidelines and legal requirements.
• Education: Typically Bachelor Degree in Electric or Electronic disciplines or advance degree. Certification is required.
• Demonstrate extensive knowledge in field of specialization or multiple disciplines to the successful completion of complex assignments. Typically +10 Years of successful experience in related field and successful demonstration of key responsibilities and knowledge as presented above.
• Thinking within a well defined frame of reference and toward specific objectives, in situations characterized by functional practices and precedents. Variable situations requiring analytical, interpretative, evaluative, and/or constructive thinking.
• Provide specialized guidance or train support and/or professional staff. Leadership qualities and role model qualities demonstrated. Performance or direction of activities which are similar as to content and objectives, with appropriate awareness of other activities.
Senior Application Engineer
Areas of Responsibility:• Lead the design in the most complex hardware and software applications solutions.
• Leads the tracking of the most complex orders to ensure that equipment, cost and delivery objectives are met by responsive to customers promptly
• Tracks and maintain assets (i.e. equipments, tools, software, etc)
• Design recommendations for alternatives or changes to the most complex specifications and/or processes to better match company products to customer needs and to improve productivity.
• Leads investigations and analysis of the most complex field problems.
• Designs explanations and clarifies information to enable proper interpretation and evaluation of the most complex specifications, performance characteristics or other technical data.
• These jobs are subject to broad practices and procedures covered by functional precedents and policies, achievement of a circumscribed operational activity, and to managerial direction.
Technologies: Extensive knowledge and skill gained through broad or deep experience in a field (or fields) which require a command of either involved, diverse practices and precedents.
Methodologies: Alternative or combined skills in understanding, and motivating people are important in the highest degree
Professional knowledge: Policies and precedents, legislative acts, guidelines and legal requirements.
Education: Typically Bachelor Degree in Electric or Electronic disciplines or advance degree. Certification is required.
• Demonstrate extensive knowledge in field of specialization or multiple disciplines to the successful completion of complex assignments. Typically +10 Years of successful experience in related field and successful demonstration of key responsibilities and knowledge as presented above.
• Thinking within a well defined frame of reference and toward specific objectives, in situations characterized by functional practices and precedents. Variable situations requiring analytical, interpretative, evaluative, and/or constructive thinking.
• Develops team members through mentoring and coaching in complex subjects. Performance or direction of activities which are similar as to content and objectives, with appropriate awareness of other activities.
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